Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1

Happy New Year!  After last year's blog, 365+ Block Project, a fresh project is needed for the new year, so my new blog is 365 Practice.  Last year was a long and stressful one with the loss of both of Rick's parents.  The department I work for at the University was completely realigned, doubling in size and needing a new chairperson.  My orthopedic surgeon found problems with my metal-on-metal hip replacement.  All in all, a challenging year.

The one thing I did learn from the Block Project is that showing up every single day, no matter what, is absolutely critical.  This year's project is, at present, a bit more nebulous than a block a day.  My hope for the year is to focus on daily, even hourly mindfulness.  If I do need to have hip surgery again, I will definitely need to focus on mindfulness of the body.  At work, mindfulness is needed to stay focused on the work at hand and not get sidetracked by grumpy faculty, whiny students, and general bureaucratic nonsense.  Of course, in the studio mindfulness is required for any real work.

My favorite mindfulness tool is listening to Pema Chodron's dharma talks and books on my bus ride.  Each morning the first thing I do (after feeding the cat, of course) is to check my email for the Daily Dharma quote from Tricycle.  It's a real treat and a wonderful way to start the day.  I've found a delightful book, How to Train a Wild Elephant, by Jan Chozen Bays, a physician and Zen teacher.  Dr. Bays gives 52 mindfulness exercises.  The first is using your nondominant hand for everyday tasks, a surprisingly challenging exercise.  I haven't tried writing with my left hand yet, but it will undoubtedly be illegible.  Eating left handed is messy enough.

So for my nebulous, unfocused project for 2012, I've started a paper calendar using paper, watercolors, markers, colored pencils, etc.  Each day's square is small but will, hopefully, be fun.  As Anne pointed out, a year's work on paper should fit in a binder.  I will also be using photographs of things and places that help me stay mindful.  Of course, there will be updates on how the beading and quilting of last year's blocks progresses.

So here are photos of today's calendar square and the amaryllis that we planted on December 1 in honor of my mother-in-law's birthday.  It's a new year and a fresh start, so here goes.... Mary

1 comment:

  1. Mary, I am just now seeing your idea and tiny paintings for this year. I love the idea and especially April so far! How clever! I may have to start a similar project for May.
