Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15

Eileen's cats, Duvy and Monster, were sorely neglected while we were away.  Despite the fact that Eileen played, fed, and snuggled them in the mornings and evenings.  Anne came over after work each day for long stretches and snuggled on the couch with Duvy.  She would gladly have snuggled Monster if he hadn't been too busy telling everyone and everything (including chairs, tables, walls, etc.) how abandoned and neglected he was.

Monster is my shadow normally.  He follows me around in the morning before work, and he was very happy with our routine.  He knew where I would be and when I would be there.  In the evening, I turn the electric blanket on early for him, and he keeps the bed warm until I get there.  It was good.  Desertion was bad.  And he complained about it endlessly.

This is a cat who is afraid of his own shadow and everyone else's for that matter.  He has spent the past few hours wanting my endless attention and running away when I try to give him some.  We have finally done a couple of epic chin and ear scratching sessions on the bed.  Life seems to be returning to normal, and Monster is no longer complaining.  At least for the moment....  Mary

Odd-eyed Turkish Angora (emphasis on the odd)

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